Chantel is so Chanel, stunning and stylish in her layering fashion, so sweet smile and long leather gloves.
I love woman in leather!

"Some subtle creativeness styling-wise today, I layered jewelry (cuffs) on top of the gloves (I am a layering maniac after all so not even gloves are safe) and another subtle modifying is in the Zara skirt, the skirt is a long (floor) length skirt with slits on the sides (yes, I have the same skirt in white too!) So I simply folded/draped up the skirt and tucked it in for a wrapped mini effect.
Wearing: H&M trend coat, H&M divided lace blouse, Zara long skirt (wrapped, pinned and tucked into a mini skirt) Lucette Bag, Zara booties, H&M leather gloves with H&M cuffs, collar necklace"

I think she was pretty (pun not intended) creative in folding and tucking the ends of the skirt into the waist.
One of the comments:
sweet road said...
I love this look, it's very Chanel! And if I've never mentioned it before... I LOVE that you have this big, genuine smile in all of your photos. So many fashion and style blogs are filled with blank or pouty faces, which I understand because it is fashion after all, but I escape to the blog world to get away from the posed models in magazines. I want to see what real, fashionable people have thrown together without the help of a team... so thank you for your contagious smile!
I cannot agree more... so Chanel, so stylish, smile so contagious.